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Ballistic Products - Book - Advantages shell Manual 11th Edition


Advantages, 11th Edition

The Shotshell Load Encyclopedia

Revised, expanded and improved.  Simply the world's greatest source of shotshell data

With over 3,200 loads, the 11th edition of Advantages contains almost all of BPI's enormous load library. Includes chapters that detail the evolution of the modern high-performance shotshell; defining a link from roots of shotshell invention, the most important technological developments, and finally linking to today's modern ammunition applications. We thoroughly explain the logic behind the physics of the shotshell, allowing the reader/handloader to better select optimal loads for their shooting conditions.

Component Details: Advantages Includes a detailed illustrated component summary section. Modern, high-performance shotshell components are listed with clear, easy-to-follow descriptions, specifications, and recommendations.

Subject Index: A comprehensive subject index and component abbreviation guide makes Advantages an easy-to-use reference; quick to look up and answer (almost) any reloading question.

Load Data: The extensive load data section includes the latest loads from our lab as well as old favorites for 10, 12, 16, 20, 28 and .410. Includes all the latest innovations in pellet materials, including plated lead, steel, bismuth, Hevi-Shot, BPX-12 Devastator, SpheroTungsten Original-15, and SpheroTungsten Super Max-18. Details the techniques of specialized loads for clays, waterfowl, upland, turkey, roll crimping and more.

Advantages loads focus on proprietary components made by BPI, Gualandi, B&P, BP wads, and hulls from Fiocchi, Federal, Rio, Cheddite, Remington, Winchester and others. Over 320 pages and almost 140 pages of load data; approximately 3,274 loads.

Historical Development: Ballistic Products published the first Advantages manual in the early 1980s. It has been described as the definitive shotshell companion guide. It is named for ammunition advantage that handloaders bring to their sport. The finest loads are always custom-crafted by you.

Advantages is for anyone who has ever wanted to master the art of the shotshell. New reloaders and seasoned veterans alike will find this book enjoyable, educational and indispensable; a cornerstone for choosing components and high-performance loads.

  • Product Type: Loading manual and application guide. Complete load data anthology and shotshell encyclopedia.
  • Length: 324 pages total, almost 140 pages of pure load data.
  • Details: Over 3,200 loads for every gauge; including non-toxic shot and lead shot data.
  • Specialty loads: Advantages is a shot-specific (#F size shot through #12 shot) manual. All our slug data is found in The Slug Manual and buckshot loads are found in The Buckshot Manual and The Coyote Manual.

Note: These data supersedes all previous published data.

Printed in U.S.A.

What others are saying about Advantages:

  • "I've been loading rifle and pistol for over 40 years, and have finally decided to get into shotgun loading.  I've known for a long time that it was very different from what I was used to with rifle & pistol, so I ordered the Lyman and Advantages manuals, plus the Small Bore, Buckshot, Slug and Dove & Pigeon manuals.  Let me say that I couldn't have found a better, more illustrative and lucid starting point than your Advantages manual.  GREAT JOB, and THANKS!"
    -Dennis M., Stateboro, GA

  • "Recently received the Advantages manual and have to say that it lives up to its reputation and the sprinkling of humor makes it an enjoyable read! Have been reloading metallic cartridges for over 40 years and just now gathering info to get started with shotshell reloading. Without question it is a must have for anyone interested in loading for their scattergun."
    -Angel A., Brandon, FL

  • "Few books in my collection are as referenced as the latest Advantages manual from Ballistic Products, Inc., as the guide provides an unrivalled look into all things shotshell... For the shotshell reloader Advantages is a must-have, but even non-handloaders could benefit from it by using it to make more informed decisions when purchasing their shotshells." 
     -Aaron Carter, Editor, American Rifleman, Mar. 2013

  • "Your Advantages Manual is by far the most informative and educational reloading manual I have ever read and you have absolutely the largest library of non-toxic load data, especially for the smaller gauge shotgun. You are my first choice for hunting load products and data, especially for the 20ga."
    -Joe Bahamonde, Show Low, AZ

  • "Just hand loaded and roll crimped my first 25 shells! Your Advantages manual, Hull Vise, and Roll Crimper make quality hand loading easy. I don't think I will ever fold crimp again!! Thank you for putting out quality products!!"
    -Benjamin C. Tackett, Jr., Blythe, CA

  • "I have purchased your AdvantagesHigh Performance Loads for Clays and Dove & Pigeon Magic manuals and I am impressed at how much more information you have in your manuals over the competition. You are truly professional in your work. Keep up the good work! I have been loading metallic rifle and pistol ammunition of all calibers for over 40 years and never have dabbled in shot shell reloading. I have hunted dove for years using factory field loads but with old age slipping up, recoil isn't as much fun as it use to be. As with rifle loads, lighter bullets can be driven to higher velocity, same with shotgun loads. Your technical manuals were a great source of information."
    -Richard Geer, Devine, TX

  • "Load #31015-168M for the 20ga is outta this world for shooting pigeons...The reload produces great knock down power @ 38 to 48 yards. Can't wait to put another 100 rounds in the machine. Thanks for your knowledge and your: Advantages 5th Edition." 
     -Tall Paul, Sacramento, CA

  • "You have a great company. I can't put down the book (Advantages) I just ordered. Incredible information."
    -Peter S., St. Petersburg, FL

  • "I really enjoyed reading your Advantages manual. The knowledge gained is priceless. I had no idea that there were so many variations in shotshell reloading. I am looking foreward to a long relationship with Ballistic Products."
    -Dave H., Shady Valley, TN

  • "Nowhere else can you find the broad selection of components offered by BPI so well and completely laid out for review. And no one comes close to matching BPI's lineup of components, tools and accessories marketed specifically for shotshell reloaders. Check out Advantages and take advantage of all the great information it provides."
    -R.H. VanDenburg, Jr., Know Your Reloads, Shotgun Sports magazine, May 2011

  • "Advantages is no doubt the best reloading manual I've ever seen. Thank you for providing a lot of good stuff that makes shotgunning fun and exciting."
    -G.W., Waldport, OR 

  • "Advantages is the best reloading manual out of several that I own. All the load information aside, the explanations and information in it is great reading for any shotgun shooter, even if you don't intend to reload."
    -Tom Aeillo (from Facebook)


*Typographical Error Notice: The following Load IDs have been removed from (page 361 in the 9th edition of the manual) the 9th edition of this publication and should not be used:

  • 91016-1478-2L
  • 91016-1478-4L
  • 91016-1478-6L

Contact BPI Ballistic Labs with any questions or concerns.

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