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Dillon - Press - Square Deal B - 38 Special Press w/Dies

Special Price $999.99 Regular Price $1,105.99 You Save: $106.00 (10%)


The Dillon Square Deal B is a compact reloading machine designed to load the common straight walled handgun and carbine cartridges from 32 S&W Long through 45 Colt.


The Square Deal B, which is our most compact machine, has an automatically indexed shellplate and is intended to produce moderate quantities of match-quality handgun ammunition for the user who does not have a need to load bottle-necked cartridges. Dies are included and are factory adjusted to reduce your set up time.


Reloading with Dillon’s Square Deal B is Easy as 1-2-3! 

Most shooters realize that reloading is the most economical way to enjoy their sport, but many shooters are unaware of just how simple it is to reload. In fact Dillon’s Square Deal B is one of the easiest progressive loaders in the world to learn to operate. How can we make that statement? Simple. Since all of the reloading steps are performed with a stroke of the handle, there is less to remember (or forget) than with an old-fashioned single-station press. Skeptical? Just watch this short video to see how easy it really is. 


No Adjustments 
Of all the steps in reloading, the adjustment of the reloading dies is the most critical. With the Dillon Square Deal B’s removable toolhead, your dies will stay in perfect adjustment. There’s no need to screw them in and out – even when changing calibers! The Square Deal B toolhead is held on by four allen screws. There’s less to go wrong, less to remember. 

Handgun Ammunition 
The Dillon Square Deal B will produce match-quality ammo for 18 pistol calibers.


The Basic machine includes the following: 
  • 1 Square Deal B reloading machine
  • 1 powder measure with large and small powder bars (small installed). The small bar throws from 2.1 to 15 grains of powder. The large bar throws from 15 to 60 grains of powder
  • 1 priming system with large and small priming parts
  • 1 early warning buzzer and rod for primer system
  • 1 packet of primer tubes containing: 1 large primer pickup tube, 1 small primer pickup tube, and 1 magazine tube 
  • 1 primer slide assembly
  • 1 powder measure failsafe rod assembly with bracket (13355)
  • 3 locator buttons
  • 1 toolhead
  • 1 powder die
  • 1 caliber conversion kit
  • 1 set of carbide dies (except for 44/40, which uses steel dies)
  • 1 spent primer cup with bracket and screws. 
  • 1 loaded cartridge chute with screws and a plastic bin
  • 1 written instruction manual

You will also need (at a minimum): 

  • Powder scale
  • Reloading Handbook 
  • Dial caliper
  • Primer flip tray

To change calibers you will need a SDB Caliber Conversion Kit which contains the shellplate, dies, powder funnel, bullet seating stem(s) and locator buttons for one caliber.

More Information
Caliber - Handgun38 Special

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