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Lee - Breech Lock Pacesetter 3 Die Set - 223 Remington


Lee 223 Breech Lock 3-Die Set includes colored Smart Lock bushings for easy die identification, Full Length Sizing Die, Easy Adjust Dead Length Bullet Seating Die, Factory Crimp Die, Universal Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data. Select this die set if you are reloading mixed range brass and have the Breech Lock Quick Change feature on your reloading press.

This die set may be used to load 5.56 NATO (5.56 x 45mm) brass. You must follow load data published for the 5.56 NATO, available from your favorite powder manufacturer.

More Information
Caliber - Rifle223 Remington
Die TypeFull Length Die Set
Number of Dies3
Product FeatureShellHolder Included

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